How to Align the Senior Team, Design a Strategy-Capable Organization, and Get All Employees On-board
By Richard McKnight, with Tom Kaney,
& Shannon Breuer
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“After coaching thousands of employees through career transition and organizational change, I’m recommending this book to both clients and friends. Richard McKnight’s unique insight into how to navigate organizational change will help everyone who wants to succeed in these challenging times.”
—Connie Bowes, Lee Hecht Harrison
valuable book for employees whose workplaces are undergoing
ISBN #978-0-9824683-0-2
ISBN #978-0-9824683-1-9
This is a collection of 40 poems co-authored by two poets over the course of many years. One poet would write one line and send it to the other without explanation or suggested direction. The other would add a line and send it back. The originator would decide when the poem was complete. The poems explore themes from birth, death, and everything in between. Exploring themes as diverse as searching, relationships, aging, and one's own allure, this is the collaboration of over 40 years.
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“Any executive or manager concerned with strategy execution should read this book. The authors tell you how to build a comprehensive strategy execution roadmap that deploys strategy throughout the organization and fits the organization to it.” —Dan Phelan, Chief of Staff, GlaxoSmithKline
For Leaders and Those They Lead
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For business leaders and those who are led by them
“Poetry wouldn’t be the first place I’d go for a deeper understanding of leadership types but poetry in the hands of someone like Karol, who has worked with CEOs all over the world is something distinctively different and instructive…The leadership insights here are provocative, memorable, and applicable.”
—Rod Henkels CEO, Henkels & McCoy
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